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Complete Guide to Pneumatic Air Preparation Unit

Pneumatic systems use compressed air for functioning but it might contain harmful contaminants that not only disturb the output of the system but also lead to malfunctioning of the system. Thus, to mitigate these issues, the role of air preparation units comes in handy. They ensure the proper supply and quality of air for smooth funnctioning of pneumatic operations.

This guide aims to provide a complete analysis of pneumatic air preparation units to ensure reliable performance in pneumatic systems. So keep learning!

pneumatic systems
Complete Guide to Pneumatic Air Preparation Unit 1

1) What are pneumatic air preparation units and why use them?

“Pneumatic air preparation units also known as FRL units are systems specifically constructed to treat compressed air so it can be used for efficient pneumatic functions.”

They are of great importance in pneumatic systems combining a filter-regulator-lubricator. They are used in various industries like manufacturing, automotive, food processing as well as pharmaceutical industries.

pneumatic air preparation units
Complete Guide to Pneumatic Air Preparation Unit 2

➔ Importance of pneumatic air preparation units

Pneumatic tools use compressed air to perform workable activities. But you know, airborne particles, including oil, moisture, and dust/dirt, are present in any form of compressed air used in pneumatic systems. If you leave them untreated, then they prove to be detrimental to your pneumatic system and apparatus. Let’s have a look at these particles in compressed air and their consequences.

● Oil: Oil particles can either come from the compressor or the surroundings. In some applications, such as food processing or painting, excess oil-laden air can damage seals and sensors, or contaminate end products.

● Dust and Dirt: Dust particles present in compressed air can enter well-defined small passages in different tools and compromise airflow. This accumulation eventually creates friction and abrasion of internal parts, resulting in constant breakdowns and expensive repairs.

● Water Droplets: Water vapours in compressed air can condense into droplets if the temperature is a bit lower. These can promote rust and other forms of corrosion hence reducing the effective life span of tools. It can also freeze under low temperatures, thus blocking air supply which will lead to equipment breakdown.

Thus, you have seen that neglecting these airborne particles can result in high maintenance costs and may shorten the longevity of the equipment. That’s why using air preparation units is highly crucial. These units protect your investment by ensuring the proper supply and quality of air. Clear!

2) What are the components of pneumatic air preparation units?

Pneumatic air preparation units generally have three parts which work in an integrated manner to ensure the air supplied to the system is free of impurities, moisture, and pressure. So, let’s explore these components for a better understanding!

FilterYou can assume filter as the first line of defence. It removes unwanted substances such as dust, dirt, oil, and water droplets from the air. Thus, it ensures that these particles do not access the pneumatic tools as they may affect the operation of these devices. You can choose the right filter based on specific objectives such as the extent of filtration and removal of the size of debris.

Complete Guide to Pneumatic Air Preparation Unit 3

+ RegulatorOnce the air has been cleaned, it must also be compressed to an appropriate level to operate your tools. Well! The regulator comes in handy in this situation. It regulates and holds constant air pressure, so the equipment works. The pressure setting can be simply turned to accommodate the needs of your specific needs.

Complete Guide to Pneumatic Air Preparation Unit 4

Lubricator: The last one is the lubricator. It sprays a tiny cloud of oil into the air that works inside the working pneumatic tool. In turn, this reduces the wear or tear of the tools and machinery. Some pneumatic tools do not require a lubricator, especially where the tools are pre-oiled or where no oil is needed. But it is an understandable extra factor that enhances the efficiency of the whole system.

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These three components— filter, regulator, and lubricator are usually put under the same heading as a unit called FRL unit.

3) How to choose the right pneumatic air preparation units?

If you desire the equipment to function properly, then choosing the most appropriate pneumatic air preparation unit is essential. Here, we are going to discuss some factors which you must consider before making a purchase. So, be with us!

i) Identify your air quality needs

First of all, you need to determine how much clean air is required for your intended task, before making a decision to buy a pneumatic air preparation unit.

iso 8573-1
Complete Guide to Pneumatic Air Preparation Unit 6

ISO 8573-1, an international air quality standard assists you to know the maximum level of air purity for the tools required. There are various class definitions that specify the maximum dirt, water and oil present in the air. So, let’s have a look at them!

Class typesSize of dust articlesWater contentOil contentIdeal use
Class 1≤ 0.01 microns≤ -70°C pressure dew point≤ 0.01 mg/m³● Pharmaceutical manufacturing, food and beverage processing, and electronics production.
Class 2≤ 1 micron≤ -40°C pressure dew point≤ 0.1 mg/m³● High-quality paint spraying, automotive manufacturing, and sensitive laboratory instruments.
Class 3≤ 5 microns≤ -20°C pressure dew point≤ 1 mg/m³● General manufacturing, pneumatic controls, and food packaging.
Class 4≤ 15 microns≤ +3°C pressure dew point≤ 5 mg/m³● General industrial use, pneumatic tools, and basic assembly lines.
Class 5 and above≤ 40 microns≤ +7°C pressure dew point≤ 25 mg/m³● Low-demand applications, such as air-operated door systems, and air blow guns.

ii) Review your Pressure requirements:

You also need to know how much pressure is required for your penumatic tools to work efficiently. Here, we are going to share with you some examples which would help you in understanding this factor.

● Paint Sprayers: They use 30-50PSI (2-3.4 bar) in order to achieve the desired quality of the spray.

● Pneumatic Cylinders:  They use pressure anywhere between 60-100 PSI (4-7 bars), depending on the requird force.

● Pneumatic Hand Tools: they usually require 70-90 PSI (4.8-6.2 bar) pressure of air. If the pressure becomes lower or increases beyond this range then it will affect the efficiency and the lifespan of the tool.

review your pressure requirements
Complete Guide to Pneumatic Air Preparation Unit 7

So, pick a regulator that applies constant pressure. Remember, a pressure drop of as little as 5-10 PSI can lead to a loss of tool efficiency of up to 20%. This indicates the essentiality of precision in the control system employed.

iii) Determine the Flow Rate and Port Size

The flow rate is essential in your system, whether it is in CFM, (cubic feet per minute) or L/min (litres per minute). It is the aggregate air consumption of all the tools that are working at the same time. Choose a unit upper range that is 20-30 per cent above the maximum demand to cater for peak usage.

● Port Size: The port size affects the flow rate in a very wide range. Higher flow rates require larger port sizes. This makes sure that the FRL unit will not run out of the system flow making it useable for such a system.

iv) Choose the right type of lubricator

You have to ensure that you have a unit with a lubricator that can mist enough oil within the system depending on the use. Usually, two types of lubricators come in handy, each having its own applications.

● Oil-fog lubricators: These are best recommended for heavy applications such as heavy load cylinders and single tool operations.

oil-fog lubricators
Complete Guide to Pneumatic Air Preparation Unit 8

● Micro-fog lubricatorsThey are ideal for crooked and multi-part systems. They are efficient for long-range runs that are non-level by evenly distributing the oil without leaving much at one position.

micro-fog lubricators
Complete Guide to Pneumatic Air Preparation Unit 9

v) Consider environmental factors

In case your surrounding has high humidity or dust. Then you must prefer corrosion-resistant materials with added relative protection (LPD, air dryer). This helps to improve both durability and functionality.

consider environmental factors
Complete Guide to Pneumatic Air Preparation Unit 10

vi) Opt for combination Units (FRL)

Applying an FRL unit reduces the complexity of the installation and the likelihood of malfunction of the system. So, it is necessary to pick the right combination of items so that the pneumatic system is well-protected and performs optimally.

4) Conclusion

We have concluded that the air preparation units are among the most critical items that function in providing clean, preconditioned, and lubed air.  Thus, protecting the tools, improving performance, and increasing the life span of the equipment. However, the proper selection of units is usually based on the system requirement.

However, besides all these factors selecting the right manufacturer is also equally important. That’s why, we recommend you buy pneumatic air preparation units from BLCH, China’s best pneumatic manufacturer and supplier. They have a professional and skilled R & D team to ensure the quality of their products. Moreover, they have 20 years of experience in the production line of pneumatic components.

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